

13. des 2022
Rådstua Teaterhus, Tromsø

Are you interested in mime theater, body control, improvisations and character work in acting? Then join these three workshops with Anetta Anisimova for free!

If you are interested in acting, mime theater or dance feel free to join. You don't need any experience in acting and you can attend as many of the three workshops as you want. 

You will learn different acting techniques, mime exercises and improvisations along with the other participants. You will experience a great variety of practices that will give you great insights to the usage of the body in theater and how you interact with fellow actors. The workshop consists of individual exercises as well as exercises in pairs and groups.


13. december - from 17.00-20.00 

Program: Mime theater, body control and improvisations


16. december - from 17.00-20.00

Program: Pantomime theater and how to work with different characters in acting


19. december - from 17.00-20.00

Program: Mime corporel and body expression in acting


Tid / time: kl 17.00-20.00

Sted / Place: Rådstua teaterhus, Vestregata 48, Tromsø

Det er gratis å delta / free of charge

The workshops are made in collaboration with Ukrainsk forening i Tromsø:


Påmelding via knappen over / Registration via the black button (drop in is also an option)


Språk: Instruktøren snakker ukrainsk og engelsk, kan du ikke noen av disse språkene vil du få bistand fra vertskap og andre deltakere for oversettelse

Language: The instructor speaks Ukrainian and English, and if you don't speak any of these languages you will get help for the translation.


13. des
Profile picture for user Anetta

Anetta Anisimova

Anetta er utdannet fra i Kiev på Кмаэци им. Утёсова, og arbeider som frilanser med base i Nord-Norge. Undervisningsspråk er engelsk og ukrainsk.

Footer info


Telefon: 77 67 90 30

Vestregata 48, Rådstua Teaterhus

Postboks 1216, 9262 Tromsø.

Design Hipp Hurra
Nettløsning Ramsalt Lab